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World Heritage Convention


The World Heritage Convention (WHC) Concerning The Protection of The World Cultural and Natural Heritage, adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), at its seventeenth session in Paris on November 16, 1972, provides the governing elements for nominating, inscribing, and monitoring WHC listed sites.  The Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention indicate precise details regarding the selection criteria for WHC listed sites.     

Currently the Convention envisages the recognition of sites which are “situated on the territory” of any of its Parties (Articles 3 and 4) or “in its territory” (Article 11)—which seems to exclude Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction, marine areas which cover half of the globe.   

The Secretariat is reported to be looking at ways in which high seas sites, such as the Sargasso Sea, might be incorporated into the WHC regime.

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